Children’s Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP) | Tennyson Center


Service Provider:

Tennyson Center


Denver, CO

Mission of Agency:

The Tennyson Center for Children strives to improve the mental health and wellness of those impacted by trauma and other adverse experiences. We believe that everyone has the opportunity and support needed to learn, grow, and thrive.

Builder Partners:

We are currently recruiting a Builder Captain for this project. Contact Us to learn more about how to be involved.

Work Performed:

The project will consist of the demolition of the interior of the current building and renovation to better serve the children and staff.  It will add 7,800 SF and 16 beds that will serve a minimum of 32 children and 75 family members.

Tennyson Center is launching a new residential program for CHRP-eligible children ages 5-20. CHRP will serve abused children, foster youth, people battling substance abuse, and people who are mentally ill. The project will expand services for high-intensity, co-occurring needs and – since children come to Tennyson from all over the State – will offer statewide reach for children in need, especially those requiring culturally competent and inclusive care.

Project Value:



In Development

Hueman Studio

People first, design second. Hueman Studio combines strategy, positioning, and people-centered design to create powerful brands, websites, and visuals that engage your audience and help you grow.

House of Neighborly Service


Bannock Program | Third Way Center