Our Impact
By The Numbers
HomeAid Colorado is proud of the work accomplished in the past 25 years and the impact it continues to have on ending homelessness in communities across the country.
All Time Impact
Highlighted data from HomeAid Colorado’s inception through 2024

Every project completed helps HomeAid Colorado become closer to their goal of building a future without homelessness.
Individuals Served
HomeAid Colorado continues to create a lasting impact on individuals that are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Total Project Value
By expanding our reach, HomeAid Colorado continues to increase the total project value over the life of the organization.
Essential Items Donated
These dontations allow families and individuals to provide for their most basic needs during times of crisis and transition.
In-Kind Amount Saved
HomeAid Colorado has accomplished so much due in part to our Building Partners and Sponsors. We can’t do it without you!
Care Days
Our volunteers complete projects and provide critical resources to non-profit care providers who assist those in our community at a high risk of homelessness.